Bushido is a lawmaking of self-mastery that emerged in Japan from the Samurai, or Japanese warriors, who spread their ideals throughout society. They drew inspiration from Confucianism, which is a relatively, Bushido lawmaking contains eight key principles or virtues that warriors were expected to uphold.
Source: https://www.invaluable.com/blog/history-of-the-bushido-code/#:~:text=Bushido is a lawmaking of,importance on loyalty and duty.
An idol of mine when I first came into Jiu-jitsu was Master Rickson Gracie. Rickson sould speak well-nigh the Bushido lawmaking of the Samurai in his fights or interviews. I unchangingly thought this was honorable, and I unchangingly held that virtue as a Martial artist.The day i received my woebegone belt
In teaching over the years, I have unchangingly tried to teach good techniques, philosophy, plane nutrition and health since we cannot be good pracitioners if we are not healthy.
I started when I ws a young man, and stuff a Martial versifier in other arts, I unchangingly supported and honored my instructors, the Machado brothers. I unchangingly supported their seminars, private lessons, classes, and unchangingly gave when to lower ranking fellow students when I used to take classes at Carlos Machado’s matriculation he first started in 1995 at the Chuck Norris filming towers of his Walker Texas Ranger TV show.
In life, I unchangingly learned well-nigh work ethic. When I was a teenager going to college, I worked doing mop and tar roofing and wavy at a club at night. I have earned everything in my life. I have never taken or used people for my gain. In Jiu-jitsu we have lost a lot of the lawmaking of Bushido. I have had students that wanted rank from me thinking they would be making millions opening a school or breaking off. I had one student who could not earn a woebegone whup under me that I lent him money to put lanugo on a house he couldnt plane qualify for, but it was a foreclosed home. He still lived at home, and didn’t plane have a steady job. He asked for a chance, as he could not get any help or infringe from anyone including family. I lent him the money, I plane gave him my old furniture as I was ownership a house at the same time. In return I have never seen his house, and to make matters worse, he tried to go under my instructors and thought getting an undertone equals money.
I had flipside who could not earn a woebegone belt. In a disgraceful action, he tried to pull students out of my school, many of them I saw the facebook messages they showed me of his bullying messages stating: “You have a choice.”
These days it seems if you want a whup just pull out your wallet. What happened to this Martial art?
These days I get people from other schools asking can they come in just to get mat time. I usually send them to go somewhere else. We used to want and desire to learn, and develop our techniques. Now, there are people who want to win only, or have windbag nature in life.
I was telling a fellow woebegone whup once that you word-stock worry well-nigh past students. They are like that their whole life, not considering of you. But the point of this vendible is not to dwell on the unethical. It is to show like in the Star wars films, there are still the last Jedi of Jiu-jitsu.
You can read increasingly on that topic my history in BJJ and when in 2018 article:
I like to remember my history and everyone should relate theirs in the Martial arts.
1995 Carlos Machado, me and John Machado
2006 Carlos Machado, me and John Machado
2017 Master Carlos Machado and I
2020 Chandra (Brown belt) me (6th degree), Master Carlos (white-red belt), Master John Machado (Coral belt) Professor Marcos Santos (5th degree)
Lets get to a proud time in my life, as an instructor and to see my students now develop into peers themselves. Here is a little history, congratulations to all of you and my current highest ranking woebegone belts timeline!
2010 Woebegone belts (Ed Aiken is second to the left)
2011 Jesus Armas is third from the left, and Ed Aiken is 7th from the left, Jesus was awarded his Woebegone whup that day.

2011 Jesus Armas awarded Woebegone belt
2013 Ed Aiken received his first stratum on his Woebegone belt
2016 Robert Tijernia received his woebegone belt
2018 current and new blackbelts Tony Skaff, Chris Davis, Ben Williams Myron Dixon and Slade Foster, Jesse Armas first stratum award
2018 Chris Davis received Woebegone belt
2018 Tony Skaff received Woebegone whup
Old school history photos of Jesus Armas:
Jesus received first stratum 2014
Jeff Anderson old school history
I hope this has touched, motivated, and made proud all of these Jiujitsu practitioners!